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Announcement: Field Trip to the Royal Thai Air-force Base wing 41

UCIS is excited to announce our Field Trip to the Royal Thai Airforce Base wing 41 on the following dates:

K3-G2 on Tuesday, 4 December

G3-G4 on Thursday, 6 December

G5-G6 on Friday, 7 December

This will be an exciting opportunity for our students to see various military aircraft, hear from personnel about the logistics of organizing flight landing and take off, and to hear from public civil servants about their service to their country. Regarding lunch, students in grades K3-G2 will eat lunch on site and students in G3-G6 will eat lunch upon arrival back to campus. We urge parents to supply students with the following items for the morning:

  • A baseball cap for the sun and/or sunglasses

  • A water bottle

  • Mosquito spray

  • 1 snack

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